Citrus x meyeri ‘Improved’

– Tender evergreen tree from
Asia; low-acid lemon x orange
– Self-fertile; produces all year
– Intensely fragrant flowers
– Fertilize regularly
– Happy pruned & in containers

Probably resulting from a cross between a lemon and an unknown variety of orange, Meyer lemons are really special: a little bit sweet, extra fragrant, super juicy, and too thin-skinned and delicate to ship, so they aren’t grown commercially and you won’t find them in most grocery stores. The easiest way to get them really is to grow them yourself! We recommend growing all citrus, including Meyer lemons, in containers here in Central Texas so that you can move them to a protected location like a garage, greenhouse, or wherever they fit in your house in the event of temperatures below freezing. If you fertilize regularly (use higher nitrogen organic fertilizers like MicroLife Citrus and Ocean Harvest) and protect them from frosts, your lemon tree can produce fragrant blooms and delicious fruit year-round.

Light: Full sun

Height: 10′-20′
Width: 10′-15′

Hardiness Zone: 9
