Central Texas summers are tough on trees and shrubs. With scorching temperatures, drought conditions, and...
Helpful Creatures for Terrariums A bioactive terrarium (technically vivarium) with living dart frogs, isopods, and...
PondMAX Food and Supplements Come check out our sale we have on PondMAX fish food...
Irriagtion and Mulch Trying to keep cool during our Summer months can be a challenge,...
Native Plants: The Key to a Pollinator Garden in Cedar Park Central Texas gardeners, are...
Being a dad, and a life-long gardener I recommend these gifts. Every idea here may...
Creating a Pollinator Paradise in Your Backyard Did you know your Cedar Park garden could...
Bee getting pollen off a bluebonnet in Central Texas. Blue Winged Scoliid Wasp on Cucumber...
Summer Solstice: June 20th, 2024. When the temperatures begin to soar and the idea of...
Temperennials are herbaceous plants that are winter-hardy in warmer parts of the country but are...