Since 2000, Hill Country Water Gardens & Nursery has grown thousands of aquatic plants in our nursery. We've supplied Central Texas, and the northern hemisphere, with beautiful cultivars from the very beginning. It's what we do and what we love. While we no longer ship our plants, we welcome water garden enthusiasts to visit us anytime! Our gates are open seven days a week!
We'll highlight some of our collection on this page from time to time as our plants are ready for retail. In the meantime, we welcome you to subscribe to our Newsletter for the most up to date availabilities and spotlights.

Water Lily Offerings:
Please contact us if you are looking for a specific cultivar!

Hardy Water Lilies:
All Hardies are well rooted in a #2 lily pot. $55. Store pick-up only!
August Kock
Charlene Strawn
Colorado (pictured above)
Fuchsia Pom Pom
Joey Tomocik
Hardy Lilies continued:
Mangkala Ubol
Moon Dance
Patio Joe
Peach Glow
Perry's Red
Pink Beauty
Pink Sunrise
Steven Strawn
Sunny Pink
Texas Dawn
Wan Visa
Tropical Water Lilies:
We have more varieties available as the season progresses!
All Tropicals are well rooted in a #2 lily pot. $55. Store pick-up only!
Woods Blue Goddess
Lindsey woods
Queen of Siam
Siam Purple 2 ( special pricing $75)

Giant Victoria Lilies in our Memorial Pond in Cedar Park, TX!
Subscribe Today!
Hill Country Water Gardens & Nursery publishes weekly newsletters for our customers' reading enjoyment! Each week you'll be delighted to find updates on our events, announcements of new arrivals, gardening tips & tricks, sales announcements, or coupons for our friends who subscribe. Don't worry, if it's not for you, you can unsubscribe at any time, and HCWG NEVER shares your info!
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