Prunus communis ‘Moonglow’

– Deciduous tree from Europe
– Soft, smooth, juicy fruit with good flavor
– Needs a pollenizer such as any other European pear
– Head back new growth by up to 2/3 each winter

Descended from Bartlett and Comice pears, Moonglow has a similar sweet, excellent flavor and soft, juicy texture. As or more important, it’s fireblight resistant, making it an excellent choice for Central Texas. Good pear culture includes pruning the tree to a scaffold shape or espalier, thinning out new growth, and feeding your tree twice a year with rich organic compost to ensure years of having a productive, healthy tree. 500 chill hours.

Light: Full sun

Height: 18′ – 20′
Width: 12′ – 15′

Hardiness Zone: 5