A customer favorite, and one of ours too! Gopher Plants can be tricky to locate on the market but we found more in Arizona!Our growers get better every year! This crop of Tuberosa is the best we’ve ever seen! If you’re a Milkweed collector/ pollinator enthusiast, we have Tropical, Swamp, and these beautiful Asclepias tuberosa! They won’t last long!Wow! Monrovia did an amazing job growing this crop of ‘Sapphire Indigo’ Clematis! #5s are $85
PowWow Coneflowers just won’t stop!
Years ago (about 20) we didn’t think Thryallis would ever make it here in Central Texas and we were 100% WRONG! Showers-of-Gold made it through EVERY drought and the winter of 2021 without missing a beat. Expect a 6-8′ tall and 6-8′ wide semi-evergreen shrub that refuses to stop blooming and wants no help from its human admirers!Add an intense violet-blue to your morning sun or shade garden. Morning hummingbirds will thank you! Salvia ‘Black and Blue’ is a winner in our book!Q: Is that a River Fern? Or a Wood fern? A: Yes!Color and be difficult to come by when designing in shade. Thankfully we’ve assembled a nice collection of plants with super colorful foliage to pep up your green garden!No lies. Hostas in Central Texas can “not grow”. They might not die but they just don’t grow. An old secret; cow manure and/or mushroom compost -the more, the better! And regular irrigation to keep the from drying out! Hostas can also be grown in our ponds in shady conditions!Coleus has forever been a staple for the shade garden but new crosses are producing new colors that can do sun or shade!!!Bonsais!!! We’ve been waiting for this delivery for MONTHS! They’re here and just in time for Father’s Day!Another color breakthrough from Proven Winners! Released this year (2022), this is our first crop of ‘Burning Heart’ Caladium. Do not adjust your screen, that’s an ORANGE CALADIUM! Even Nathan’s in love with this one!Canna Lilies! We got ’em! Canna Tip: if you cut your cannas to the ground in June, they come back even better and will look amazing post-summer. Otherwise, your Canna Lilies are going to be pretty rough looking heading into fall. Give it a try.Lucky Sunrise Rose Lantana may be a mouth full to stay. Here at the nursery, we are beginning to call it “THE Lantana”! Photos don’t really do this cultivar justice. This color is super intense. These are planted in our color containers with Fountain Grass, Portulacta, Coleus, and Artemisia. This one probably will not make it through our winter but it will be worth extra protection. 100%
Last on the list is Pride of Barbados! This is our 3rd or 4th crop this year and they won’t stay long! Stop by to grab yours. Already have one? Why don’t you have more???
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