June 20, 2019

We have a fresh shipment of Japanese Maples from Monrovia!

June is the perfect time to freshen up your container gardens.

Fresh tropical houseplants arrived this week!

Cute pitchers of the Napenthes and 'Ice Cream' Bananas.

Our popular corals are restocked!

Classic cast stone planters last for generations!

Pottery in every shape and color. From $5 to $1,000!

Proven, durable, ceramic pottery.

99% of our ceramic pottery can be transformed into beautiful fountains! Ask us how!

Select from your favorite mulches, composts & potting soils this Saturday!

You need a new water lily in your life! We have the best selection right now!

Top Left clockwise: Pride of Barbados, Duranta Sky Flower, Thryalis, Fire Bush.
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