Fall is a great time to re-pot your hardy water lilies. If you hate getting in your pond to re-pot your hardy lilies in mid-March, when it’s still pretty chilly, do what we do, split them now! There is lots of time between now and October 15th for your lilies to take root and easily survive our generally mild winters.
We started pulling our big overgrown show lilies last month and will start splitting them next week. It’s up to you which lilies to split, I usually pick the ones that have quit blooming and are obviously overcrowded in their pots. If your plants still look pretty good and are showing off a nice fall bloom right now, then wait a week or two. My drop-dead date for Fall re-potting is Oct 15th. After the 15th there is a chance of a cool snap, and the rhizomes might not take root. You should fertilize all your lilies right now whether you re-pot or not.
No more fertilizer after Oct 15th. Remember, DON’T re-pot your tropicals, just fertilize and enjoy them all fall, they will need some fresh soil in April. HCWG has all your re-potting needs – pots, soil, fertilizer, and gravel. Hope you and your pond have a great fall.
Stop by the Garden Center and we can walk you through the steps! If you’re not too hands-on, contact our service department for a quote.
– Steve Kainer
Owner, Manager, and an all-around great guy
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